
cover art for Jacob Hawley (Part Two)

The Moon Under Water

Jacob Hawley (Part Two)

*This is part two of Jacob Hawley's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*

We don't hear anywhere near enough about Stevenage and its satellite towns on this podcast. Today that changes. And it's all thanks to Jacob Hawley. And he is a rare breed - someone who if they sidled up to you at the bar you would actually want to talk to.

With advice on bringing your children to the pub (start them young) to the solution to British drinking culture (stubbies), it's a delightful trip to the correct realm.

He’s touring the UK now so check out his website to see him soon!

If you'd like to get in touch then is the place to get those emails to.

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